Technical Support & FAQ
Here some hints
Hey can you fix my pc? It is not booting and has a blue screen. Help pls? NO sry
Good morning, why my excel spreadsheet stopped working unexpectedly? Can you explain that? NO, Excel is far beyond my skills
Man why my pc is so slow? IDK
Hello, do you develop also app for mobile? It's not our core business but we do that, contact us at
Good day, can you write an app that helps me integrate data in my organization? For sure! Mail us at
Hey could you develop a web application to extend my company ERP to be able to use it wherever I am? No problem about that, send an email here!
Hey could you create a professional website for my works? Roger that, drop an email here
Hello, I need to set up an e-commercer for my company, could you please help? Yes with pleasure! Give us a text a this mail